Accommodation rules

The maximum number of guests are 7 people.
Smoking or the use of open flames, including candles, is strictly prohibited in the entire area of the cottage. Smoking can only be done outside in a designated smoking area.
  1. A reservation can be made by phone at tel. number: +421 944 775 418 or email
  2. Accommodation is only possible after an email or telephone confirmation and no later than 8:00 p.m. of the same day.
  3. At the check-in, the guest is required to pay a refundable deposit. The deposit is 200 EUR and will be refunded upon departure after the check of the property and its equipment for any damage caused. Normal tear and ware are ok.
  4. Each guest must present himself with a valid ID upon arrival. If the document is not presented, the host may refuse to provide an accommodation.
  5. Cancellation fees: when canceling a stay 60-30 days before the start of the stay, the cancellation fee is 50% of the paid deposit, 30-0 days before the start of the stay, the fee is 100% of the paid deposit. Cancellation of stay can only be done in writing to
  6. Damage or mishandling of equipment while staying at the cottage, or other damage caused by the guests will be fully covered by the  guests.
  7. We ask that guests think ecologically and separate the waste into prepared containers, and we also kindly ask of considered use of energy and water. We all live on ONE planet.
  8. Quiet time is from 22:00 to 07:00. Please respect these hours and behave quietly.
  9. Pets are prohibited inside the cottage, but they can be outside under a shelter. The entire area around the cottage is fenced, but please note that in some parts only a  living hedge fence serves as an enclosure, and therefore it is up to the owners of the pet to take care of its well being.
  10. If the keys are lost or damaged, the guests are obliged to pay the damage caused to the host in the amount of 200 EUR.